Why does inflammatory food effect acne?

By Daniella Scaramozzino, Skin Clinican and Founder of Forme Beauty Clinic.

Did you know that acne is so largely driven by imbalances in blood sugar levels that it has been coined the “diabetes of the skin”?

Hormones, environment and diet along with genetics can all play their role in acne but one major cause of skin congestion and breakouts stems from blood sugar imbalance.

But how?

When we eat, that food gets broken down into macronutrients and begins to elevate levels of glucose in the blood. In response to this increase, the pancreas begins secreting the hormone insulin. Insulin’s main role is to regulate the uptake of the glucose from the blood and into the cells for energy. It’s a delicate balance by our body, keeping blood glucose stable throughout the day as you eat, get hungry, exercise, stress and sleep.

The key is stability when it comes to blood sugar regulation.

The most powerful way we can influence how it regulates is through dietary choices. When we eat high GI foods such as processed sugar and grain -based foods (bread/pasta/rice/) without correct balance of protein and fats, glucose will spike causing insulin to also increase rapidly and start converting into insulin-like-growth-factor (IGF-1) This growth factor is a nasty trigger for acne as it increases circulating androgens (male hormones) leading to EXCESS SEBUM PRODUCTION and excess skin cell turnover = congestion.

Androgens are male hormones such as testosterone and when in excess can be a predominant cause for PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) a hormonal condition that can present with acne. More oil means more chance of pore congestion and more food supply for the acne bacteria to thrive.

What happens when your body is in fight or flight mode?

Blood sugar levels that are elevated too high or crashing too low (inevitable if they have spiked quickly) also cause a physical stress response, elevating cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol puts your body in “fight or flight” mode where the focus of the body is to protect vital organs and prepare to run away from danger. Hello stress induced skin breakouts. In this state, the healing of a breakout or keeping reproductive hormones stable is far from a priority- your body is in a survival state. Elevated cortisol over a long period can lead to or contribute to inflammation and decreased immunity.

Scientists have found that more insulin means more acne.

In fact, researchers from Colorado State University found a diet that leads to elevated insulin levels is involved in the production of acne. “By far the biggest contributor to oily skin is hormones, including androgens like testosterone and DHT, and also insulin and IGF-1. These all stimulate the receptors in your sebaceous glands, which signals them to create more sebum.

However, you do NOT need to reduce all these hormones. It is best to focus on reducing insulin and IGF-1.

To find out more about how you can manage your diet to be acne friendly, I have created an amazing booklet that will help you heal your skin from inside out. Email info@formeclinic.com.au and I will send you a copy.

Of course, if you have any other questions, pop them below.


Daniela Scarmozzino