clinical treatments

Want to get results for your skin?

Forme has a wide range of clinical treatments chosen for their effectiveness.

We use registered, safe, medical grade equipment combined with a proven cosmeceutical home care plan to get you results.

Not sure which treatment is for you? A thorough consultation* is included as part of your treatment to discuss your skin concern and any underlying causes and make sure we are using the right treatment for you.

*normal cost of skin consultation is $50 but is redeemable with a product or treatment purchase.

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Skin needling

The Dermapen 4 is the next generation in advanced Skin Needling or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT). 

The Dermapen glides over the skin creating millions of reactions which triggers our body’s natural response of repair. The result is an increased production of collagen and elastin, resurfacing, retexturizing and overall skin renewal anywhere on the body. Visible results from the first treatment can include: tightening, lifting and rejuvenation. It promotes wound healing, reduces the appearance or pigmentation, reduces acne scarring, wrinkles, fine lines and reduces stretch marks.

See curated skin packages for our unique treatment combinations to enhance the effect of skin needling.

Single treatment $250
3 pack ­– $210 per treatment
6 pack – $180 per treatment

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Unlike any other skin tightening and skin rejuvenating procedures offered on the market today, HiFu doesn’t have any downtime. HiFu uses ultrasonic waves to stimulate collagen at the muscle level which in turn stimulates increased reproduction of the body’s own collagen and elastin. This non-invasive, non-toxic treatment, uses ultrasonic rays to stimulate the area, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed look. 

1 - 3 treatment is required 4 weeks apart depending on the laxity of your skin

Prices start from $199
Neck ­– $199
Neck & face ­– $699
Face ­– $599

LED Facial

LED Light therapy has all the elements to give your mind a break from the outside world and the technology to leave your skin glowing and renewed.

Incorporating a customised double cleanse with a gentle enzyme exfoliation this treatment improves skin circulation and cleanses the pores. Then our LED system begins whilst your therapist attends to your lower legs and feet with a snore inducing soothing massage.

See personalised facials for our unique treatment combinations to enhance the effects of LED.

50 min ­– $109

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Lymphatic therapy is a specially formulated tightening mask designed to work with your circulatory system creating reverse osmosis – a vital component of optimal skin health responsible for removing waste via our lymphatics. It also nourishes our cells and tissue via our blood supply. These systems work together, taking and giving, maintaining homeostasis.

Lymphatic Therapy masks work by applying transient pressure to the skin to activate these processes, which in turn increases circulation, producing a plasmatic effect, oxygenation and lymphatic drainage. This creates a healthy environment for skin cells to flourish. This is perfect for all skin types, to achieve optimal skin health, or as pre and post support to advanced skin rejuvenation.

See personalised facials for our unique treatment combinations to enhance the effects of PRIN.

Prices start from $120
3 pack ­– $299

Make the NanoFusion facial

Elementals NanoFusion is a unique device and treatment that uses a patented micro-silicone tip along with massage & vibration properties to create short-term openings in the stratum corneum of the skin.

This creates fibroblast stimulation, increased collagen production, improved skin healing, and maximum product penetration with NO DOWNTIME!

The flexibility of being able to target different concerns that are present with the appropriate infusions, means this treatment results in a reduction in the appearance of fine lines & deeper wrinkles, melasma and other forms of pigmentation, acne and acne scarring. Sometimes, all in the one treatment… WOW! Now who wouldn’t want a treatment that delivers maximum results and no downtime.

For more information on NanoFusion technology.